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Sunday, April 30, 2006

never / enough

The knife of never
forever cuts
as you hold me ever
in the stasis of hope

Ever close enough
to taste tomorrow's touch
through the fresh scars
of yesterday

Forever far enough
to make me ever ache
for any way to dull
the edge of never

Yet the knife of never
forever sharpens itself
and bloods me daily
before sheathed in silence

~ ~ ~

02/27/06 by hugo_sam in Lost in the '70's

The feeling of dispair and longing come forth strongly. Moving in it's simplicity. Well done. Hugo

02/27/06 by MistressJett

Damn, sweetie. I know that feeling all too well, and I understand how much it hurts. You put it into words very well. *hugs*

5It's this part...
02/27/06 by Belegon in SoCal

...that is the clincher. "Ever close enough to taste tomorrow's touch" If all hope would finally vanish, if things were allowed to fade to memory, then that knife would dull. But to allow that to happen is against our obstinate nature. Beautiful words, mon ami.

5wonderful read!
02/27/06 by oregon_gal

full of the stuff that keeps us on the edge.

02/27/06 by 4degrees

i know this kind of blade good write, hard i know. curt

03/03/06 by vampiredust

but beautiful. We all feel like this sometimes and you've described it wonderfully. Great read!

03/04/06 by LeBroz in _NY - too far from Atlanta

A word A feeling; Both powerful weapons.

03/05/06 by dcpoet44

nuff said......nicely done......don

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