~ * ~

Monday, April 10, 2006


in the buoyant waters of hope, I
on the potential for a love that has the power to
the persistent undertow of futility

currents of inky desire
in the turbulent vortex of my mind as your eyes
with unspoken passion

no longer content to simply
upon the sinuous waves of synchronous dreams, I
against the tides of convention

silently begging you to
my hands and my heart and my hope, I
upon the shores of your torment

while I did not
to love you, I would not now
to avoid the roiling seas of controversy

fear thrives only on the surface, we finally
when with wonder we
into the tranquil depths of our future

~ ~ ~

11/07/04 by


5Loved it
11/07/04 by vella_ms

'a ship on the ocean, your anchor cast upon the rocky shore.' thank you, imp, for sharing those feelings in such an eloquent manner. great job! *hugs* v~

11/08/04 by matriarch

I'm a sucker, firstly for portrayals of deep emotions, secondly for expressive language and extensive use of vocabulary, and thirdly, writing that combines those two and leaves me speechless with admiration. You got me, hook, line and sinker. Mat

5nice effort
11/08/04 by Belegon in Southern California

Sometimes the simplest parts leap out at me. The passage that connects with where I am at the most right now is this: "while I did not choose to love you, I would not now change"

5Great Stuff
11/09/04 by Goldie Munro

I really liked this - I loved the structure, imagery and emotion - well done!

5And it is
11/09/04 by Honey123 in USA

I know you where you are coming from with this poem...I love it - it's like you are in my head. Great job!! Honey

4Very nice
11/09/04 by flyguy69

I enjoyed this one, impressive; very nice imagery. The line breaking was a bit disruptive to me- it seemed to halt the flow of a very liquid poem.

5Impressive indead~
11/13/04 by My Erotic Tale

a poetic icon and very inspirational, a witty and clever poet with a very good flare for hitting the heart string painting two beautiful pictures with one poem~ Art~

11/14/04 by lucky-E-leven in Texas, USA

Very stirring poem, having achieved the very difficult task of being applicable to a great many situations. I loved it. ~lucky

08/28/05 by Bill Dada

when with wonder we dive into the tranquil depths of our future I think this is the third poem of yours that I've read and they all have kick ass endings. And beginnings and middles and everything else.

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